National House Wife Day 3rd November

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National housewife day is celebrated on 3rd November every year. This day is set aside to recognise the millions of hard-working housewives. This day is honours the stay at home mums who take care of the children and the home. It’s a 24/7 job that sometimes doesn’t get that thank you that is much deserved. The term housewife is an all-time stemming from the days when most families were supported by one’s income full stop the father worked and the mother stay home to take care of the house and look after the children’s. These days both parents work outside at home. According to The Bureau of labour and statistics in 61% of households with children, both parents work outside at home. As the age of the children impact how much parents stay at home too and it is not always the mother who stays home sometimes it said that so househusbands are on the Rise how our current statistics are difficult to find even so those who stay home and manage a household have different tasks those who stay home are considered to be domestic engineer managing budget a is children and organising the life of the house. Housewife Day recognises the importance of occupy home wives and moms. it also referred to as the Retro housewife day. This wonderful caring creature was built and in truth the strong family environment. They help to instil family values and good character. Earlier days only one person’s income quotes for the family in a manner of comfort full stop it was also a time when women did not have equal rights while nowadays women views of working or staying reception fall on each side of the fence the choice to be a housewife or occupy home mum are still preferred by much unfortunate income need of unnecessary get going to work. Today we celebrate and thank all of the ladies whom you choose to stay home and tend to the house and family. their diligence and sacrifices keep our households running. so it’s only fair to dedicate a whole day to honour all their contributions. as many of us state Home during the coronavirus pandemic lockdown a certain someone in our family made many things liveable and easy for us by providing timely meals, cleaning up the house take care of young ones and carrying out household works perfectly done by women.
in modern society, this term is not only limited to a wife and a mother this term applies to any gender who work hard to keep their home in order it can be men or adult parents or any other member of the family. the exact date when house 5 day was first celebrated is not cleared but many believe that the day was created by a housewife who was feeling underappreciated for her hard work. although the day is still not popular as the other holidays it has made significant progress in terms of the idea.
How do we celebrate National housewife day

the celebration ways of the day vary from person to person but there are some basic things that people can do had their homes to make their homemakers feel special and loved that is below.
By giving a Thank you card
Give a handmade Thank you card or a handwritten thank you note to your homemaker for appreciation full stop this will also bring a smile on their face.
Gift her something that appreciates her

Although this takes home holdings have a hobby or they are fond of something so give them something nice which remind her she is not only appreciated and loved for today but every day you could Grab a box of a chocolate piece of jewellery and a dress.
Arrange a surprising small trip

as we know homemaking is both an evolutionary and economic necessity.
women play the best role in this they maintain whole house chores 24/7 without any selfishness and salary. it is also even better if you take on the responsibility of the House on an alternate day basis or weekly basis. as well as husband also can take charge of all household work like cooking cleaning taking care of kids for a day like special days these small surprises also bring smile on their better half face.
Ques. What is the homemaker day?
Ans. Housewife day is known as homemaker day. we celebrate the people who keep our households running. This day is especially devoted to appreciating those women who managing all household things, buying groceries and maintaining house chores.
Ques. Why do we celebrate housewife’s day?
Ans. National housewife’s day or homemakers day is observed every year on 3rd November to do honour or admire those people who keep our household running.

Nancy Arora
