National Candy Day 4th November

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4th November is National Candy day so I hope your sweet tooth is ready to enjoy it. The sweet and short reads have been our favorite snacks since our childhood. Candies have a long history of attracting us with their bright colors and delightful taste. whether they are heart chewy fruit flavor but the consistent source of happiness.
Origin of candy

The story of candies begins in India from the sixth century to 4th century BC. The Greeks learned that people in India had reeds of sugarcane which is indigenous to Southeast Asia. Ancient Indians football sugarcane juice turning it into individual pieces of sugar.
Before sugar cane was domesticated outside of Asia Honey was used in ancient China the middle east or Egypt Greece and Rome to fruits and flowers which would help to preserve and turn them into a form of Candy. Before the industrial revolution Candy was used as a medicine not only to calm the digestive system but also making cool the throat. In the middle ages, Candy was mostly consumed by wealthy people. Candy first came to America in the 18th century from France and Britain. Because very few colonists were calibre in sugar work as well as only wealthier were able to enjoy this new treat. a real-time paper made the simplest form of Candy from crystallized sugar Rock candy. However, the most basic form of sugar was considered a luxury that was only attainable by the rich community.
Industrial revolution

With the invention of the industrial revolution, many advances improve the availability of sugar. from the 1830s market open Dan there was a drastic change comes in the Candy business.
In 1847: candies were produced in multiple shapes or sizes at one time due to the invention of the Candy press.
In 1851: Candy makers start using a revolving steam pan to assist in boiling sugar.
why we love to celebrate National Candy day people love to celebrate this step because of its delicious taste.
childhood remembrance
On most birthdays, parties crushing pinatas preferred and Hershey’s kisses for Valentine Day While Candy was a big part of our childhood. no matter how much we have been growing candies will always recall our special memories. however, it also helps to improve our state of mind sometimes if we sad sad candies are used by many of people as a way to boost up happiness and joy meanwhile delicious flavor taste uplift our mood. it also helps to smile on an individuals face

There were two American top-selling candies given below
M&M’S- M&M’s Var Milk chocolate drops with colorful Candy coating outer layer. William Murrie developed this candy following the Spanish civil war. In 1941 they debuted the candies which were given to American soldiers serving in the Second World War.
Reese’s peanut butter cups- Reese’s peanut butter cups were round WhatsApp coloured discs that are filled with the sweet creamy peanut butter filling. Hershey’s company was first manufactured the iconic cups in 1928.

Selection of different chocolate candies

Way to celebrate National Candy day

Buy Candy for a friend and also give sweets to your bestie full stop and say have a great day the beautiful brighter candies will make them happy.
Try to make it by yourself
You can either make candy by yourself not only for a change but also so it will your interest to create a delicious recipe.

The four days after Halloween you should be able to celebrate Candy day. You also can scan the sales of Halloween Candy at your local stores as well as invite some friends to enjoy your favourite candies with you while you are celebrating be sure to use the hashtag of the national candidate to post on social media this will also help to aware people about the value of this day.
Ques. Which is national candy month?
Ans. June month is the national candy month.
Ques. On which holiday do most candies sell?
Ans. The largest percentage of seasonal candies is being sold at Easter Bunny. This holiday can be thanked for the highest share of the sale of candies.
Ques. Which kind of candies are for June month?
Ans. There are some candies like Gummy Bears, sour straws and chocolate candies.
Ques. What does the mean of the candy M&M’s?
Ans. The M&M’s candy stood for Mars & Murrie.
Ques. Which is the most popular candy?
Ans. in 2019, Reese’s peanut butter cups recognise Supreme once again. in this year Peanut Butter Cups became the most popular Halloween candy of the Year

Nancy Arora
