World Card Making Day 2nd October

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World card making day is an annual celebration commemorated on October 2nd. Making cards by yourself for kind of person will bring a smile to their face. Use your creativity and make a card for your loved ones. This day celebrates those creatives artists who make handmade cards.

History of card making day

World card making day was celebrated firstly in 2006. Papercraft magazine was created every first Saturday of October 10th month of the year celebrated as the day. The celebration of the world card making day and courage the crafts to get a head start to show their creativity in card making. Cards have been used ever since human creativity had been started. They are often referred to as gifts. Your own words, artwork drawing and your endeavours make your card wonderful and attractive. This is helpful to represent your love, care and respect towards them. Cards are also referred to as the greetings cards business cards calling for visiting cards dance cards birthday cards and much more.

How to celebrate the day
Make a few handmade cards for your loved ones. Gift your handmade cards on special occasions such as birthday Friendship Day Valentine’s Day etc. If you have a get together with your family or friends then make a card for them and express your love and feeling through words or handmade cards. Moreover, encourage your children to be more creative in creating cards.

Specific benefits game through the art of card making
Card making can be therapeutic for those who are making them and also fun to whom you give them. Learn these card-making benefits and how they are beneficial.

Creative expressions

Art and craft thing is the fantastic way to pass the time and express your creativity. Study shows that craft such as a card making gives you enjoyment meanwhile, it improved mental health and improving daily mood. Card making increases your overall well being and health.
Treasured remembrance
All the part of the receiver, it is always a joy to receive handmade cards. Coz handmade card making will definitely give you a very slight ok can’t remember you. Start of it in a heap of conventional book store type greeting cards personalised handmade card is often treated as a cherished item which took care through the years to come.

Play vital role in self-esteem
Making cards provide a venue for creative self-expression or self-esteem. One doesn’t need to be an artist or highly skilled practice this because this is a highly personal activity. To receiving the card the receiver will understand the emotions it took given to carefully choose the material think of design put the elements together to convey the message of I really care for you.
When making creativity cards, you can relax more positively and remain busy e doing those things that make you happy. Using your hands and creative mind to enhance your mood. Card-making can become a source of earning for some masses.

Stress reliever and mitigate depression

Art and craft activity makes you comfortable and keeps your mind relax and stress-free. Moreover, art gives you a feeling of calmness to the soul. Needless to say coma our overall sense of joy and face increases through creative card making as well as help to overcome a variety of severe chronic health conditions.
To sum up, handmade greeting cards are a tradition of sentiments and goodwill that can lift up receivers’ morals because of knowing you cared enough to Remember. The sincerity and comfort of sympathy cards can express feelings you may have difficulty expressing verbally and through emails or messages. Annual holidays greeting cards and your family and friends allow you to keep in touch and remind everyone that you are thinking of them. additionally, greeting cards Express emotions like Joy, thanks, sympathy, love and which help us to connect on an emotional level with the people who have touched our life. While greeting cards had a vast variety of sentiments that allow individuals to express their care towards their family and friends. Sardar next time you would be e e debating shooting off a quick email for sending an actual greeting card, you may want to ask yourself which one conveys the kind of messages you wish to send.

Ques. Is there still a trend or market for greeting cards?
Ans. Yes. The study found that in the Modern era Americans buy about 6.5 billion cards every year full stop according to the Indian card Association 1.3 billion tellings during the holidays season alone. Still, people are attracted to the printed paper cards.
Ques. What is the worth of greeting card industries?
Ans. The sale of greeting cards per annum is estimated from $7 to $8 billion.

Ques. When was the greeting card invented?
Ans. The Christmas card was produced as the first commercially in 1846 by the British businessman henry cole who asked a printer to produce a printed Christmas greeting card which he could I wanted to you send quickly to his friends. The idea caught on and mass-produced Christmas cards were got Fame by 1860.

Nancy Arora
