Bitter Sweet Chocolate With Almonds Day 7th November

National semi-sweet chocolate with Almonds day may be a chance to celebrate the delicious combination of chocolate and almond. people from all around the world prefer to eat a delicious combo of chocolate-dipped almonds. Around 40 percent of almonds all over the world end up in some form of chocolate, most often a candy bar. The pairing is one of the oldest recipes of using chocolate-dipped almond. Whereas the national bittersweet chocolate with Almonds day was held on 7th November which is sponsored by the National confectioner Association. it’s basically an online celebration including dark chocolates and almond lovers. Both of these products provide a plethora of benefits of healthy deliciousness. This day marks an interesting food holiday because it’s science the light on two popular pantry items such as dark chocolate and almond.

Dark chocolate deserves more than just one day in a calendar year devoted to it. Because it is not only made for indulgent snacks. this desert has plentiful benefits for health. Chocolate having high cacao percentile is known for its copious amount of antioxidants, particularly flavonoids and polyphenols. Antioxidants are found in many superfoods and vitamins that help to neutralize free radicals that act as toxins in the body. The flavonoids found in dark chocolate that help to prevent the human body from cancer and brain diseases. On the other hand, almond also offers an array of health benefits. It is the greatest source of healthy fats and proteins which makes for satisfying snacks. Due to their high protein content Almonds are also a staple in many plant-based diets noticed by the popularity of almond products such as almond milk. Many companies have taken advantage of this combination of Almonds and chocolate. Barkthins, the snacking chocolate which first hit shelves in 2013, has reached great success with their chocolate bark products of dark chocolate almond variety is a key seller.
Timeline of the combo desert of chocolate with almonds
In 1830 J.S. Fry and sons, who was a British chocolate maker, deserved a way to turn cocoa into a solid bar.
In 1853 cocoa tarries lifted. This made chocolate reachable more than just the upper class.
In 1920 Hershey’s Mound bar, created with both almond and dark chocolate, hits the shelves.
After 5 years in 1925

Cocoa become an industry. The U. S. cocoa Exchange opened in New York to facilitate cocoa transactions in cities.
In 1938 Govt. was endorsed chocolate. The federal, recognizing the nutritional value of chocolate, added it to the meal rations for U.S troops.
Celebration ways
Try try to make bittersweet chocolate-coated Almonds by yourself on this day. Sach experiment with the flavour of this healthy snack maybe add some Canon paper to give it a Mexican twist all use some rows as sensors and cardamom to make some middle Eastern-inspired bittersweet chocolate-dipped almonds full stop and share it with your family friends and your co-workers this will also encourage to do you same as on this day. they will also celebrate this day by making these bittersweet chocolate coated almonds and sharing them with their friends and family.
Be creative. You don’t just need to make bittersweet chocolate-coated almonds to celebrate this fun food holiday.
You can also enjoy bittersweet chocolate and Almonds included ice cream with criminalized almonds as well as you can create an arm on the chocolate cake on this day to make your day special. This will also help to bring a smile to each and every face such as your family members your friends and your co-workers.
Reasons to think why chocolates are healthier

Having Better fat as experiments have been done on rats showed that the fat in cocoa is actually less fattening than the other fat-containing food.
Secondly, research shows that Cocoa works as an anti-inflammatory agent in human beings.
Exhaustion of Coca helps to thins the blood and improves circulations of the blood to the brain. its thought to improve vision as a result.
Consumption of chocolate is good for the skin also because Chocolate contains antioxidants that actually can improve the condition of your skin.
Chocolate has fibres that offer all of the health benefits that fibre brings including satisfying your appetite.
Frequently Asked Question
How long durations are good for keeping chocolate-dipped almonds?
Ans. Chocolate-covered almonds good for storing for two or three weeks in an airtight container at room temperature.
Ques. How many Almonds can consume in a day?
Ans. People need to balance their overall cal consumption to add almonds safely to their diet. The dietician recommended that the safe limit is 6 to 8 Almonds per day. Whereas soaked Almonds are also beneficial for health you can soak them overnight than consume them in the early morning. it is also advised to avoid fried, salted Almonds.
Ques. Benefits of consuming Almonds and chocolates for health?
Ans. Well here are some benefits of consuming chocolate dipped almonds. It reduces the risk of heart attack lower “bad” cholesterol as well as protect artery walls from damage. Moreover, it also helps to build healthy bones and teeth, lower the rise in blood sugar and insulin after meals.

Nancy Arora
